Setting up Your Payment to the City of Calgary Tax Department
This is likely not the funnest thing you will have to do after you bought your Calgary home!
However, it is something that gets asked a lot by my clients, so I thought I would put this together as an easy tutorial on how to go about setting up your monthly tax installments to the city.
You don't need to go can do everything from the comfort of your office or your living room, or you can simply go down to city hall on the third floor to register.
To make it easy for you, CLICK THIS LINK here to take you to the City of Calgary's Tax Page, the instructions are pretty straightforward.
So to recap...You can watch the video below to find out about the three different ways that you can set up your monthly tax installments, referred to as the TIPP Program....
Or you can give me a call to chat more about how we can be of service: 403-827-7527
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